TOEIC 聽力測驗題型分析 |
Section I: Listening Comprehension The Listening Comprehension Section takes approximately 45 minutes to complete the test. This section consists of four parts, a total of 100 questions, and is delivered by the audio tape recording. Examinees will listen to a variety of statements, questions, short conversations, and short talks recorded in English; then, they should answer questions based on the listening segments.
Part 1: Photographs 20 questions (4-choice) |
Part 2: Question-Response 30 questions (3-choice) |
Part 3: Short Conversations 30 questions (4-choice) |
Part 4: Short Talks 20 questions (4-choice) |
Part I: Photographs 照片描述題 |
Format 考題格式 |
20 Photographs (no written questions) / one
photo with 4 statements 照片描述題題數:20道題,4選1 題目卷上只有 20張照片和題號碼,而在電腦答案卡上印有(A), (B), (C), (D) 記號的答案欄。 |
Example 題例 |
題目卷: |
錄音內容: |
(a) They are having an argument. (b) They are looking at each other. (c) They are checking the files. (d) They are playing video games. |
The Types of Question 題型 |
The Distractions 答案干擾項 |
Who and/or What are they in the picture? (Profession or role) Where are they? (Where is it?) What are the people doing? What is the body language? (facial expression, gestures) What is the detailed information you can tell? |
Review Test 複習測驗 |
Mock Test 模擬測驗 |
Part II. Questions and Responses 應答題 |
Format 考題格式 |
Review Test 複習測驗 |
Format 考題格式 |
30 Questions-Responses (no written questions & only hear one question with three possible responses)
Example 題例 |
題目卷: Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
錄音帶內容: Why don't you turn the air conditioner on? (a) It isn't working well. (b) It's a little hot here. (c) It's in good condition. |
The Types of Question 題型 |
*Information questions |
1. Who/Whose Questions ask about a person, a group, an organization, or a profession |
2. When Questions ask about time -> look for time expressions |
3. Where Questions ask about a location -> look for prepositional phrases |
4. Why Questions ask about reasons -> look for “because / due to” expressions |
5. What Questions What time, What for, What happened, |
6. How Questions ask about the methods -> How did you come here? ask about the quality or condition -> How was the party? How is your new office? ask about the degree or quantity-> How long have you been here? |
Yes/No questions: |
*Alternative questions: Which do you prefer,
Chicken or Beef? |
*Indirect questions: Do you know where the City Hall is?
You will attend the conference, won't you? It's
an excellent report, isn't it? Wasn't that a great performance? Don't
you think it's fun? |
The Distractions 答案干擾項 |
Review Test 複習測驗 |
Mock Test 模擬測驗 |
Part III. Short Conversations 簡短對話 |
Format 考題格式 |
Example 題例 |
The Types of Question 題型 |
The Distractions 答案干擾項 |
Tips 得分要領 |
Review Test 複習測驗 |
Mock Test 模擬測驗 |
Format 考題格式 |
30 Short Conversations (with written questions) Each question with 4 possible answers
4選1 |
Example 題例 |
錄音帶內容: |
W: How is your new job going? M: The hours are quite long, but I really like the people I work with. W: Don't worry; the situation will be better in the winter.
The Types of Question 題目類型 |
The Distractions 答案干擾項 |
Review Test 複習測驗 |
Mock Test 模擬測驗 |
Part IV. Short Talks 簡短獨白 |
Review Test 複習測驗 |
Mock Test 模擬測驗 |
Format 考題格式 |
20 questions for Short Talks
(with written questions) Each Short Talk with 2 or 3 questions 簡短談話題數:20道題,4選1 |
Example 題例 |
The Types of Question 題型 |
The Distractions 答案干擾項 |
Review Test 複習測驗 |
Mock Test 模擬測驗 |