
adj. 有害的

synonyms: harmful, damaging, destructive, detrimental, injurious, nocent, nocuous, pernicious


antonyms: advantageous, aiding, assisting, beneficial


This kind of drug is considered deleterious.



adj. 犯法的, 怠忽職守的


blameworthy, censurable, criminal, culpable, defaultant, defaulting, derelict, faulty, guilty, lax, negligent


antonyms: behaving, dutiful, law-abiding, responsible, trustworthy


Tom was once a juvenile delinquent.



v. 貶值,輕視

synonyms: abate, decay, decrease, deflate, depress, deteriorate, devalorize, devaluate, downgrade

antonyms: appreciate, cherish, esteem, prize, value


The property will depreciate in value if it does not undergo restoration.



adj. 卑鄙的

synonyms: abject, contemptible, degrading, detestable, disgraceful, disreputable, ignominious, insignificant, loathsome


antonyms: admirable, alluring, appealing, commendable, laudable, honorable, praiseworthy


He was disrespected because of his despicable behavior.




v. 偏離, 離題

n. deviation

synonyms: aberrate, avert, circumlocate, deflect, digress, divagate, diverge


antonyms: accord, conform, straighten


My father always told me not to deviate from the rules.



adj. 教誨的, 說教的

synonyms: exhortative, hortative, instructive, pedagogic, pedantic, preachy


antonyms: undidactic, uneducation, uninstructional


a didactic poem



adj. 拖延的, 呆滯的

synonyms: dallying, delaying, laggard, lingering, loitering, negligent,


antonyms: prompt, timely


The government has been dilatory in dealing with the strike.





adj. 辯別得出, 看得清的

synonyms: audible, detectable, noticeable, perceivable, perceptible


antonyms: indiscernible, obscured, unnoticeable




v. 擾亂

synonyms: bother, burden, disoblige, disquiet, disturb, fluster


antonyms: aid, help, soothe




v. 清理, 解脫

synonyms: detach, disconnect, discumber, disengage, disinvolve


antonyms: entangle, entwine


It’s not easy to disentangle the truth from rumors.




adj. 嚴峻的

synonyms: rigid, ironhanded, rigorist, rigorous, unpermissive


antonyms: lenient, mild


The situation calls for draconian measures.






教材製作 : Sarita Chuang (莊琬君)

網頁製作 : Katherine Liu (劉倍菁)