swag: slang for being fashionable and confident in appearance or behavior
鼓勵同學參與多元化的英語自學活動,培養規律的自學方法、 增進英語能力並展現學習成果。
107/9/25 (第三週) 至107/12/14 (第十四週結束)
1. 語測練功坊: 準備或參加語測,更上層樓 |
a | 線上報名並參加實體多益﹑博思模擬考 |
b | 試後參加題解講座 |
2. 雙管齊下自學組: |
a | 英語自學點數 充分利用校內英語學習資源學習英語 NEW! 一分鐘英文 One Minute English |
b | 參加自學學分課, 一次累積40點! 1) 英文文法與段落寫作 2) 多益與新聞英語聽讀 |
3. E世代就業競爭力: |
a | 【Life at Workplace職場眾生相】 |
b | 【My Favorite Spot in Taiwan |
c | 【English Project Report |
4. 跨文化移動力: 全球文化與新聞 Global Culture and News |
a | 臉書影片留言 兩大主題:Studying in the UK英國留學面面觀﹑From Canada to the World 2018 由加拿大看世界 |
b | 跨文化雲端討論室 |
地點: LE404B |
地點: FG302 |
11/14 (三) 13:00-15:30 | 11/21 (三) 13:40-15:30 |
地點: 依報名連結公告 時間: 12:15-15:00 |
地點: 依報名連結公告 |
模考一: 10/1 (一)、10/3 (三)、10/5 (五)、10/8 (一) | 10/17 (三) 13:40-15:10 |
模考二: 11/12 (一)、11/16 (五)、11/19 (一)、11/23 (五) | 11/28 (三) 13:40-15:10 |
成果回饋與獎勵 |
英語自學點數競賽 評選標準 |
語測奪冠自學組:參加語測更上層樓 3000元、1000元各一人 |
以出席率及模擬考成績為依據; |
成果回饋與獎勵 |
英語自學點數競賽 評選標準 |
英語高手:5,000 元 (1名) |
量:輔仁英語網路學院之自修室或臉書上的心得份數、計算自學點數。 質:自學筆記內容。 |
One Minute English : 第一名2,000元、第二名1,000元 |
活動報名請填寫線上報名表 (A組報名點此;B組報名點此;C組報名點此)
主題 |
評分標準 |
A.【Life at Workplace 職場眾生相】 各行各業,必有我師。觀察、拍攝並以英文報導某職場之甘苦與成果、人際關係等等;例如:農夫、教師、飲料店員工等等。請以旁白敘述觀察或訪問內容。★拍攝前務必獲得許可!!! |
1. 視覺呈現效果20% 2. 主題確切,內容豐富度40% 3. 英語表達能力40% |
B.【My Favorite Spot in Taiwan |
1. 視覺呈現效果20% 2. 主題確切,內容豐富度40% 3. 英語表達能力40% |
C. 【English Project Report |
1. 內容結構完整、切題50% 2. 聽眾理解度25% 3. 英語表達能力25% |
作品範例: 請參考 1062 SLC大一組 得獎作品
成果回饋與獎勵 |
第一名:10,000元(3名); 第二名:5,000元(3名); 第三名:2,000 元(6名) |
參加自學學分課程,一次累積40點! 並可抵免2學分的大二外語! |
自主學習 | 1)英文文法與段落寫作 2)多益與新聞英語聽讀 |
40點自學學分課說明會PPT請點 此
1)英文文法與段落寫作:林政憲 Emile老師 |
2)多益與新聞英語聽讀:李靜怡 Jenny 老師 |
1071 英語自學活動簡章
1071 自學活動與點數對照表
EngNet 輔仁英語網路學院:網頁連結
FaceBook 粉絲專頁:【SMART輔大英語自學俱樂部】
1062 SLC 大一組 影片得獎作品觀摩 :點此
1062 SLC 大二以上組 影片得獎作品觀摩 :點此
1061 E世代就業競爭力 得獎作品觀摩 :點此
成果回饋與獎勵: |
語測奪冠組 評選標準: |
語測奪冠自學組:參加語測更上層樓 |
以出席率及模擬考成績為依據 |
得獎學生 |
3000元: 孫乙令 法文一 平均分數百分比:96/ 講座出席率:1/3 1000元: 洪宥祥 法文二 平均分數百分比:86.36/ 講座出席率:2/3 進步獎500元: 嚴問 生科一 多益進步165分 (第一次600分,第二次765分) 講座出席率:2/3
成果回饋與獎勵: |
英語自學點數競賽 評選標準: |
英語高手:5,000 元 (1名) |
量:輔仁英語網路學院之自修室或臉書上的心得份數、計算自學點數。 加權點數:非入門點數算為1.2點 |
得獎學生與點數 |
英語高手(獎金5000元): 廖翊宏 — 107-1 加權點數149.4點 ; 總點數:146點 ; 全年度點數:146點 (Liveabc 76, CNN 17 ,全民英檢1 ,FB 9 , FB影片6 , 筆記15, , Funpack 14, 大型說明會4, SLC 1, 語測考試 2, 自學導航員1) 自學好手(獎金 2,000 元) : 徐鈺婷 — 107-1 加權點數118.8點 ; 總點數:108點 ; 全年度點數:400點 (fb 30, fb影片 8, funpack 10, 自學筆記 24, 雲端討論 30, 大型說明會4, 多益模擬考2) 洪宥祥 — 107-1 加權點數118.6點 ; 總點數:108點 ; 全年度點數:108點 (fb 19, fb影片 1, funpack 20, 自學筆記 18, 雲端討論 28, 圖書館 10,大型說明會6, 多益模擬考2,多益實體2, 多益講座2) 周天玉 — 107-1 加權點數118點 ; 總點數:100點 ; 全年點數:271點 (Liveabc 8, 雲端討論室 66 , 圖書館 24 , 大型說明會2) 黃珮煊 — 107-1 加權點數111.2點 ; 總點數:101點 ; 全年點數: 101點 (Liveabc 32, CNN 4, fb 6 , funpack 8, 自學筆記 15, 雲端討論室36) 蔡婷婷 — 107-1 加權點數111點 ; 總點數:109點 ; 全年點數:109 (Liveabc 74, fb 2, 自學導航員 1, 筆記 10, funpack 16, 大型說明會 4 ,圖書館2) 許家洋 — 107-1 加權點數105.4點 ; 總點數:104點 ; 全年點數:104 (Liveabc 96, fb 1, 筆記 7) 特別獎(點數累積500點): 5000元獎金 謝欣耘 — 全年點數:509 吳青泰 — 全年點數:506 恭喜以上兩位首先達成500點殊榮的同學! |
主題 |
評分標準 |
A.【Life at Workplace 職場眾生相】 各行各業,必有我師。觀察、拍攝並以英文報導某職場之甘苦與成果、人際關係等等;例如:農夫、教師、飲料店員工等等。請以旁白敘述觀察或訪問內容。★拍攝前務必獲得許可!!! |
1. 視覺呈現效果20% 2. 主題確切,內容豐富度40% 3. 英語表達能力40% |
B.【My Favorite Spot in Taiwan |
1. 視覺呈現效果20% 2. 主題確切,內容豐富度40% 3. 英語表達能力40% |
C. 【English Project Report |
1. 內容結構完整、切題50% 2. 聽眾理解度25% 3. 英語表達能力25% |
得獎學生 | 老師評語 | 獎項 | 評審評分 |
Picture the Art 片長: 05:00 | Well-done! Thanks for bringing us these inspiring stories from the youg artists who dare to pursue their dream. The video has a well-organized structure with a carefuly edited visual effect, and the ways you show your interview is also quite interesting. Good job! As to my suggestion for the improvement, please try not to read the scipt and double check the subtitle. There are few mistakes you haven't spotted such as subject-verb agreement: he even do(es)n't know where (the next place is) . Overall, I enjoy wathcing your interview. | 第一名 獎金10,000 | 82分 |
Alternative Occupation- Senior Students in The University of Third Age 片長: 05:12 | It's a very informative video introducing gerotology-related programs in Fu Jen University. Good work! The audience can know from the first hand information of those senior students in the programs and realizes that these courses actaully help them maintain their energies in society. I appreciate your efforts in doing this option for the contest. However, there are few mistakes which make the video less efficient and persuasive. In particular, the sound effect in the introductory part is quite annoying that the audience can barely listen to the voice-over. Then, there are also grammatical mistakes which need to be avoided in advance such as the past particlple form of "step" (has stepped NOT has step). If you can be careful next time when editing your video, it'd be much better! | 第一名 獎金5,000 | 82分 |
得獎學生 | 老師評語 | 獎項 | 評審評分 |
Show You Around 片長: 05:24 | Excellent! Your video has a well-designed structure and the beautifully made visual effect that makes it very professional. I really enjoy watching your video! Thanks a lot for your very hard work! The only thing that makes me confused is the way you apply artificial voice-over to help you describe how good this snack is. I think if you can record your own voice, it'd be natural and consistent with your video-editing effects.
| 第一名 獎金10,000 | 88.33分 |
Xianse Temple and Xing Tian Temple- My favorite spot in Taiwan 片長: 06:00 | Your video not only provides well-researched information but also offers a visually attractive screen to the audience. This carefully edited method makes your video professional and persuasive. Well done! Please be careful of your pronunication. There are few mistakes in the video (ex. "Buhdist"). Thanks a lot for your very great work!
| 第一名 獎金 10,000 | 88.33分 |
My Favorite Spot in Taiwan 片長: 05:58 | Excellent. I like your video a lot because of its very well-organized structure and a very convincing introduction to each of your selection. From watching your video, I can feel your enthuasiasm in doing this project and your love in Da Dao Cheng. My suggestion for the improvmen will be the way you structre your main body of the video. In your introduction, the order for the description is from Dihua stree to wharf and then the temple, but in the main body, you make the wharf your ending desciption. If you can revise your main idea in the introduction, it'd be great! Thanks a lot for your excellent job! | 第三名 獎金 2,000元 | 85.33分 |
My Favorite Spot in Taiwan: Yilan 片長: 06:11 | Good work! Your video introduces the beauty of Yilan county and shows us many attractive photos of the place. The audiene will definitely be attractived by your video. However, the topic you selected is so broad and general that you can't full discuss your favorite "spot" in Yilan. "Spot" in literal meaning means a small place where people can stay for exploring in details. In this way, your main idea will become general and less persuasive. On the other hand, the visual materials depend a lot on the photos you took from the intenet, a way which also makes the video less authentic and persuasive. To fix the problem, you may need to narrow down your topic and personally visited the the place you like. If you do this way, the video will be great! | 第三名 獎金 2,000元 | 84.67分 |
得獎學生 | 老師評語 | 獎項 | 評審評分 |
High Dynamic Range Image based on Deep learning 片長: 07:47 | Delightful and interesting. Effective use of visual aids to illustrate the problem you tried to resolve. You've successfully made technical jargons and concepts easy to understand. Good job. Minor technical issues: (1) The blanks that occur 1:23-1:32 and 2:17-2:27 are awkward. Despite the voice over, the flow of the video is interrupted. (2) Sometimes the lip sync does not work well. Grammar problems include: "looked blow-out"(blown-out); "beyond which camera can record" (beyond what camera); "most . . . is dark but also contain" (contains); "Another method been proposed" (Another method proposed); "in most occasion" (occasions); "As far as I can say" (tell). Glitches in pronunciation: "prediction" and "prevailing".
| 第一名 獎金10,000 | 91.25分 |
片長: 07:59 | A well-organized report with clearly defined objectives and results. You have made good contribution by developing three indicators for enterprises in the sharing economy. However, have similar models been proposed before? The report would have higher credibility if all sources were properly documented. Effective use of visual aids and hand gestures. It's a pity that images are sometimes blurry and out of focus. While the speakers spoke with impressive clarity and fluency, some appear to read from prompts, causing them to look a bit unnatural at times. There are quite a few grammar errors, such as ". . . some easing platforms which declare that they are a part of sharing economy, purchasing . . . or cooperate . . . ." (syntax); "Therefore, the purpose of this study we will" (syntax); "Transferring the use right temporarily without transforming the ownership. . ." (sentence fragment); "First, provider owns underutilized resource which user is seeking, then provider and user matching by third party platform" (syntax and missing articles) . . . .
| 第二名 獎金 5,000 | 88.25分 |
Novel therapy of Alzheimer’s disease 片長: 05:17 | The lecture is a bit rushed, but the presentation flows smoothly. Excellent research with proper documentation. Causes of Alzheimer's Disease and a new medicine are introduced with great clarity. Overall, the report is well-organized and well paced. However, the speaker needs to engage the audience by making eye contact with the audience more often. Good job giving a brief explanation of each technical term; however, the report would be more accessible to the general audience if subtitles are provided. Minor pronunciation problems: "sclerosis", "hypothesis", "brain" (long vowel), "could be generated" (the sound of "ed"). Grammar errors include: "there was no evidence can prove" (that can prove); A normal neuron release (releases); "cholinesterase is still working that make patients’ neuron can’t operate properly" (check the syntax); "They tried to make it be a new drug"; "when its delivery to the brain its will be hydrolysis" (check the syntax); "by esterifies the phenol" (esterifying); "With these esters protect its have" (check the syntax). | 裁判獎 獎金 2,000 | 84.5分 |
Determining betas under multi-factor CAPMs: Evidence from Bitcoin spot and futures markets 片長: 09:58 | The report presents a novel multi-factor CAPM model. The purpose, methodology, and results are clearly presented. However, as an oral presentation geared toward a general audience, some visual aids in the background are recommended to assist with comprehension. For example, a chart or two will help to illustrate results of your empirical research a lot more effectively. Minor language pronunciation problems: "methodology", "viable", "asymmetry". Acronyms (such as CAPM) need to be spelled out and made accessible to a broad audience. There are quite a few sentence fragments: "Incorporate the information factor . . . , use information factors . . . ."; "Combines the results above . . . ."; "Explain that Bitcoin . . . ." In these instances, the subjects of the verb phrases are missing. | 裁判獎 獎金 2,000 | 82.5分 |