鼓勵同學參與多元化的英語自學活動,培養規律的自學方法、 增進英語能力並展現學習成果。
108/9/23 (第三週) 至108/12/6 (第十三週結束)
1. 語測練功坊:準備或參加語測,更上層樓 | |
a | 線上報名活動並參加實體模擬考 |
b | 試後參加題解講座 |
c | (可選項)利用Global Exam或Easy Test考英文語測模擬考 |
2. 雙管齊下自學組 : 自學點數累積 |
a | 英語自學點數 充分利用校內英語學習資源學習英語 NEW! 一分鐘英文 One Minute English |
b | 參加自學學分課程 一次累積40點,還能抵2學分大二英文! |
3. E世代就業競爭力 : 製作多媒體影片 (108/9/23-108/10/25) |
a | 【Video Acting 戲劇模仿秀】 |
b | 【My Cross-Cultural Experience 我的跨文化故事】 |
b | 【English Project Report 英語專題報告】 |
4. 跨文化移動力:全球文化與小組討論 | |
臉書影片、留言討論: 1) Culture Observations and Movies2 看電影談文化2 2) A Bittersweet Movement 搬家的酸甜苦辣談。 |
跨文化雲端討論室、小組會話:開設英國及加拿大雲端討論室,讓你開口說與在國外講師討論多元議題! |
博思實體模擬考 地點: SF340 |
模擬考題試後解講座 地點: SF131 |
11/20 (三) 13:00-15:30 | 11/27 (三) 13:40-15:30 |
多益實體模擬考 地點: SF340 時間: 12:15-15:00 |
模擬考題試後解講座 地點: SF131 |
模考一: 10/14(一)、10/16(三)、10/18(五)、10/21(一) | 10/23 (三) 13:40-15:10 |
模考二: 11/18(一)、11/22(五)、11/25(一)、11/29(五) | 12/4 (三) 13:40-15:10 |
Note: 正式多益考試日期(成績公告): 9/29 (10/22), 10/27 (11/15), 11/17 (12/6), 12/22 (1/13)
成果回饋與獎勵 |
英語自學點數競賽 評選標準 |
3000元、1000元各一人 | 以出席率及模擬考成績為依據;兩種模擬考成績將換算為百分比計算。 |
成果回饋與獎勵 |
英語自學點數競賽 評選標準 |
英語高手:5,000 元 (1名) 自學好手:2,000 元 (5名) 特別獎(點數累積500點): 5000元獎金 |
量:輔仁英語網路學院之自修室或臉書上的心得份數、計算自學點數。 質:自學筆記內容。 *同學期高手、好手獎不得與特別獎重複申請(獲獎順序以特別獎為優先)。 |
One Minute English : 第一名2,000元、第二名1,000元 |
活動報名請填寫線上報名表 (A組報名點此;B組報名點此;C組報名點此)
主題 |
評分標準 |
A.【Video Acting 戲劇模仿秀】 製作3-6分鐘影片,選擇一英語電視節目或電影,並演出劇中片段。採團體報名,2-5人一組,可一人分飾多角,或多人分飾一角。 演出片段不可為獨角戲且必須具有故事性(請排除單人做菜、脫口秀或政論節目等)。每個人需開口說話至少一分鐘,所以兩個人至少兩分鐘,三個人三分鐘,以此類推。請勿看稿唸,必須背誦台詞。報名請於字幕word內及片頭/片尾註明影片出處(網路影片提供連結並標明開始與結束時間;若為電影或影集,請註明電影/影集名稱及集數)。 |
1. 英語表達能力 50% 2. 表情與肢體動作 30% 3. 攝影與剪輯 20% |
B.【My Cross-Cultural Experience 我的跨文化故事】 製作4-6分鐘英語影片,介紹在國外或台灣本地跨文化交流的經驗與心得,例如:旅遊、遊學、國際志工、交換學生、跨國文化成長故事、文化差異比較、跨文化行銷等。若包含採訪,其長度不得超過總片長之1/3;採訪前後宜加入製作小組之引介與評論。 |
1. 視覺呈現效果20% 2. 主題確切、內容豐富度40% 3. 英語表達能力40% |
C.【English Project Report 英語專題報告】 用英文報告專題研究或創作成果。主題不拘,內容須包含以下四項:主題及背景、研究目的或創作理念、分析方法或創作過程、預期結果與專題重要性。拍攝影片時請務必包含作者(個人或團對)影像,並附上影片講稿Word 檔。若需自學中心幫忙錄製,請與圖書館自學導航員預約。 |
1. 內容結構完整、切題 50% 2. 聽眾理解度 25% (報告對象請預設為一般大學生。) 3. 英語表達能力 25% |
作品範例:1072 得獎作品 ;1071 得獎作品;Video Acting 作品範例
成果回饋與獎勵 |
第一名:10,000元(3名); 第二名:5,000元(3名); 第三名:2,000 元(6名) |
Our Daily Lives: Some Global Experiences 日常生活。全球經驗 |
UK Chatroom: Food, Festivals, and Fun 英國文化討論趣 |
9/28-11/23 每週六 10:00-11:00 | 10/20-12/15 每週日 18:00-19:00 |
Sherry 沈倩宇 小老師
Guest Speaker: Ting-Yu Wei, MBA. BA |
Phoebe Hemsley 小老師
![]() |
課程簡介點此 | 課程簡介點此 |
參加自學學分課程,一次累積40點! 並可抵免2學分的大二外語! |
自主學習 |
1)英文文法與段落寫作 2)多益與新聞英文聽讀 3)商務英語閱讀與寫作 4)生活英語發音與會話 |
40點自學學分課可抵免2學分的大二外語。自學課程除了讓同學在時間運用上更加彈性外,更可以在過程中加強自我管理並培養自行規劃及檢視學習進度的精神與方法。 然而,「自主學習」並非由學生自己進行而沒有老師教導的學習模式,學習之所以「自主」是因在老師變成提供資源及適時給予協助的諮商人員,而學生除了學習外還需制定計劃來善用資源來達到學習成效的主導者。
1. 新同學必須在第5週前 (10/13) 正式報名本課程,逾期請待寒假第1~4週再行報名。已報名學生可繼續學習,其他同學請於1091期待全新課程與改進後課程。
2. 學習總時數應該要有55個小時,而且不能少於四週、或者超過兩學期。 也就是說,在108年第一學期參加的同學,必須在108年第二學期(109年4月)結束所有課程單元(5月第一個禮拜檢核成果);而在108年第二學期註冊本課程的同學,必須在109年第一學期的11月結束學習(12月第一個禮拜檢核成果)。因此,我們建議同學們每週固定安排約3-4小時的單元學習。
3. 在所有內容完成後,學生與自學中心確認學習成果。由自學中心繳交「學生學習成果檢核表」給全人中心英文認證小組檢視。一旦成果確認無誤,同學就可以獲得二學分。
4. 為避免同學將此自學學分課的點數作為課堂上作業且同時抵免大二外語,在108年第一學期修習此課程的同學,其在自學學分課獲得的點數將統一於108年第二學期一次匯入。
選讀頁面 >> 進入頁面後請點選欲修習之課程名稱(40點自主學習學分課),並詳細閱讀選讀步驟。
1)英文文法與段落寫作:林政憲老師 Emile |
目標/適合對象:本自學課程為初級英文文法與寫作課,學習對象設為大學生(日間部及進修部英文系學生除外);適合大一中級英文及高級英文修課通過之學生或具CEFR B1-B2級、通過全民英檢中級或多益聽讀成績550分以上學生。 課程共有17單元 - 第1到13單元為「文法句型」。逐步引導同學解決英文寫作常見問題,培養自我檢測與更正文法錯誤的能力。 - 第14到17單元為「閱讀與寫作」。透過四個單元的閱讀練習,瞭解閱讀方法與段落寫作要素。每單元均含小考與作業各一份,同時要製作段落大綱並完成段落寫作。 除英語學習外,「自主學習」為本課程另一個核心。學生需制定讀書計畫,於學期中段評估學習狀態、並在學習結束前完成總檢討。學習過程中會有兩次的學習審核,學生要到指定教室考試。 |
2)多益與新聞英語聽讀:李靜怡老師 Jenny |
目標/適合對象:本自學課程為中級英語自學課程,以「多益考試」準備為主軸,輔以「線上新聞英語聽讀」,協助同學循序漸進地掌握此項測驗要訣,並提升英語綜合聽讀能力。學習對象為大學生(日間部及進修部英文系學生除外);適合大一中級英文及高級英文修課通過之學生或具CEFR B1-B2級、通過全民英檢中級或多益聽讀成績550分以上學生。 課程共有15單元 - 每項多益單元皆提供影音教材練習,課後均需參與單元測驗、檢試學習成果,以及實際進行三回多益模擬考。 - 課程中間穿插四回、共八則主題新聞英文,協助同學培養實用聽讀能力。 「自主學習」為本課程另一核心。學期初將要求學生理解學習目標並制定讀書計畫,學習結束前完成總檢討。 |
3)商務英語閱讀與寫作:林政憲老師 Emile |
目標/適合對象:本自學課程為針對商務情境之閱讀與寫作課,學習對象設為大學生(日間部及進修部英文系學生除外);適合大一中級英文及高級英文修課通過之學生或具CEFR B1-B2級、通過全民英檢中級或多益聽讀成績550分以上學生。 課程共有10單元 - 第1到5單元為「商務閱讀」。藉由閱讀商用文本認識不同的商務語境,以累積字彙量與培養掌握訊息之能力。 - 第6到10單元為「商務寫作」。透過四種常用商業書信學習其寫作架構及文法,並演練在不同情境下完成適當的書信內容。 除英語學習外,「自主學習」為本課程另一個核心。學生需制定讀書計畫,於學期中段評估學習狀態、並在學習結束前完成總檢討。學習過程中會有兩次的學習審核,學生須辨識不同商務情境與書信類型,並完成一封指定之書信。 |
4)生活英語發音與會話:李靜怡老師 Jenny |
目標/適合對象:本自學課程為中級英語發音與會話課,學習對象設為大學生(日間部及進修部英文系學生除外);適合大一中級英文及高級英文修課通過之學生或具CEFR B1-B2級、通過全民英檢中級或多益聽讀成績550分以上學生。 課程共有14單元 - 每項單元皆提供購物商場與生活英語會話之講課,學生課後須完成指定教材閱讀、口語與字彙練習。 - 透過14個日常購物與生活主題,奠定英語口說發音基礎與熟悉日常溝通情境,並培養靈活運用生活句型之能力。 除英語學習外,「自主學習」為本課程另一個核心。學生需制定讀書計畫,於學期中段評估學習狀態、並在學習結束前完成總檢討。學習過程中會有兩次的學習審核,學生須錄音完成指定的會話檢測。 |
1081 英語自學活動簡章
1081 自學活動與點數對照表
• 語測練功坊:報名請點此
• 雙管齊下自學組:報名請點此
• E世代就業競爭力-主題A (Video Acting):報名請點此
• E世代就業競爭力-主題B (Cross-Cultural):報名請點此
• E世代就業競爭力-主題C (Project Report):報名請點此
EngNet 輔仁英語網路學院:網頁連結
FackBook 粉絲專頁:【SMART輔大英語自學俱樂部】
1071 E世代就業競爭力 得獎作品觀摩 :點此
1072 E世代就業競爭力 得獎作品觀摩 :點此
得獎學生 |
評分依據:模考成績百分比與出席率 紀承緯(義文一)(獎金3000元) 平均分數百分比:98.98 / 出席講座1次,模考1次 余宗芸(德文三)(獎金1000元) 平均分數百分比:95.95 / 出席講座1次,模考1次 特別鼓勵獎: 陳乃華(心理二)(獎金500元) 平均分數百分比:84.34 / 出席講座2次,模考3次 特別鼓勵獎: 梁昕濡(法律一甲)(獎金500元) 平均分數百分比:81.81 / 出席講座2次,模考2次 |
成果回饋與獎勵: |
英語自學點數競賽 評選標準: |
英語高手:5,000 元 (1名) |
量:輔仁英語網路學院之自修室或臉書上的心得份數、計算自學點數。 加權點數:非入門點數算為1.2點 |
得獎學生與點數 |
🌟英語高手(獎金5000元): 潘耘(宗教四) — 108-1 加權點:167點 ; 總點數:146點 ; 全年度點數:480點 (EU工作坊2, 影音競賽7, 雲端討論81, 雲端寫作13, 自學筆記2, LiveABC 34, 說明會6, 跨文化1 ) 🌟自學好手(獎金 2,000 元) : 許涓涓(織品一) — 108-1 加權點數136點 ; 總點數:126點 ; 全年度點數:131點 (EU工作坊6, 直播1, 自學筆記12, 雲端討論30, 說明會6, 桌遊6, 跨文化9, FB留言19, LiveABC26, One min3, 導航員8) 洪宥祥(法文三) — 108-1 加權點數104點 ; 總點數:91點 ; 全年度點數:460點 (FB留言 22, 說明會4, 雲端討論65) 盧思寧(音樂一) — 108-1 加權點數84點 ; 總點數:81點 ; 全年度點數:81點 (自學筆記15, LiveABC 50, FB留言16) 葉子維(社會三) — 108-1 加權點數76.2點 ; 總點數:70點 ; 全年點數:343點 (FB留言 39, 自學筆記21, Funpack 10) 夏一軒(臨心一) — 108-1 加權點數72.8點 ; 總點數:72點 ; 全年點數: 75點 (LiveABC 49, 說明會6, FB留言 13, Funpack2, 模考2) 廖翊宏(護理二乙) — 108-1 加權點數67.4點 ; 總點數:64點 ; 全年點數:424 (跨文化2, Funpack8, LiveABC 35, 英檢3, One min 6, 說明會2, 自學筆記6, 桌遊2) 🌟特別鼓勵獎 獎金1000元:侯惠珊(統資系)(168點:LiveABC、筆記) 🌟終身自學好手(點數累積500點): 獎金5000元 周天玉(歷史三乙)— 全年點數:525 恭喜以上一位達成500點殊榮的同學! |
林思惟(德文一)/李孟瑄(法文一) 呂苡慈(德文一)/謝蕙琦(日文一)
American Housewife 片長: 04:46 | The camera work is smooth from scene to scene, and the focus is crisp all the time. All of the actresses behave professionally on camera. All have good pronunciation, and intonations are used properly to signal emotions. The actress playing Katie the mother stays in character all the time. The viewer can guess easily what character she is in the acting. But why is Katie suddenly played by another actress in the bed scene, in the middle of the video? It’s a bit confusing. Overall, nice acting and is very authentic to the TV series. | 第一名 獎金8,000 | 92 |
杜宜庭(英文一)/林宜霈(英文一) 張婷榕(英文一)/何柔漪(英文一) 涂孟涵(英文一)
Cell Block Tango 片長: 07:03 | The subject and overall acting are intriguing. When each of the actresses speaks alone, the viewer is able to tell their anger and strength through their facial expressions, body language and use of intonations and stress. The camera work is smooth, and the characters are lit properly even in the dark. In addition, you have vocal emotion and good facial expression during story telling. | 第一名 獎金8,000 | 92 |
胡雲皓(日文一甲)/孫捷(法文一) 劉建德(日文一乙)
Gym Member 片長: 04:13 | The subject and acting is overall fun and interesting. The video flows well from scene to scene, and the focus is crisp. All the actors and actress have good pronunciations. Intonations and body language are used properly by all characters to signal their emotions. Both actors playing Chandler and Ross stay in their characters through effective body language and rich facial expressions. They behave professionally on camera. | 第二名 獎金5,000 | 87.67 |
簡筠庭(資管一)/藍晴(資管一) 許湘萓(資管一)/林滋隆(資管一) 劉亦恩(資管一)
Joey Doesn't Share Food 片長: 04:45 | The camera work is generally smooth from scene to scene, and the focus is generally crisp. All of the actor and actresses generally have clear pronunciation. The intonations of the actor and actresses are generally used properly to signal emotions. The actress playing Joey stays in character all the time. The viewer can guess easily what character she is in the acting. And the way she acts adds humor and fun to the video. However, you can use more gestures to show emotions. | 第三名 獎金2,000 | 86.53 |
張家瑄(營養一)/顏伶蓁(營養一) 楊佳珉(營養一)/王語宸(營養一)
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody 片長: 04:45 | The subject and the acting are generally intriguing. All the actresses are able to show their emotions through their body language. But all the actresses seemingly rushed to finish lines that they didn’t pronounce words fully and failed to show proper intonations at times. Articulation of words must be clear. Eg. you saw the ghost in "suite" 613. It should be pronounced "/swiːt/". The post-production is done quite effectively to indicate who plays who as well as the Suit 613 scene. The video moves quite smoothly from scene to scene with proper use of transitions. | 第三名 獎金2,000 | 85.93 |
劉冠忠(營養一)/王宇萱(營養一) 羅鈺婷(營養一)/梁舜翔(營養一)
Winnie the Pooh 片長: 05:59 | The focus is usually crisp even though there are few shaky shots. Background noise and wind noise are louder than the elegant background music, which is a pity, but the viewer is still able to follow the presentation. All of the characters and the narrator have clear pronunciation, but the intonation could be better. There is also a suggestion for the one playing Pooh. In the original film, Pooh gets older with Robin. So Pool is supposed to sound like a middle-aged man, and he speaks softly in the film. So I would suggest him to speak perhaps slower so as to give a tender mood. Overall speaking, good custume design and nice backgound music. Also the camera shooting is creative. | 評審獎 獎金1,000 | 85.47 |
葛以涵(統資一甲) 孫唯傑(資管一甲) 周宏翰(餐旅三乙)
Judy and Nick Meet Flash 片長: 04:04 | The overall acting is done in a fun way. All of the actors and actress have clear pronunciations. Both the actor playing Flash and the actress playing Judy stay in their characters. The viewer can easily tell what characters they are in the acting. Flash speaks and acts slowly, while Judy speaks fast and uses body language to show she’s in a hurry. Yet, to better express yourself, more facial emotion and gestures are suggested. The viewer can easily tell the contrast. It’s a pity that we don’t have an entire Pricilla part in this video. The camera work is generally smooth. The focus is usually crisp. | 評審獎 獎金1,000 | 85.2 |
朱嘉琪(英文二)/楊欣翰(英文一) 巫富惠(英文一)/莫倩瀅(英文一) 李若榆(英文一)
Fresh Off The Boat 片長: 05:52 | You presented some advanced vocabulary and difficult lines. Your practice is evident, but haven’t put enough thought into it. For example, the viewer can’t tell what characters you are in the acting. It doesn’t seem that all of you stay in your characters. You have clear pronunciation, but your intonation doesn’t clearly show your emotions and feelings, and you should be careful of your eyesight (like Tina's moving upward sometimes). For example, it’s not easy to tell Eddie’s internal world from the actress’ facial expressions and tone. And the video doesn’t move quite smoothly from scene to scene with proper use of transitions. | 評審獎 獎金1,000 | 84.47 |
FUNNY MOMENT from ZOOTOPIA 片長: 04:49 | Both actresses Angel and Amy did a pretty good job in playing double roles in this acting. The camera work and editing are done effectively. You both have clear pronunciation and the intonations are used properly to signal emotions. But, among the four roles, only Angel playing Flash stays in character. The viewer can easily tell what character she is in the acting. The biggest pity of this production is background noise. Such technical difficulty seriously interferes with the viewer's ability to hear and focus on the content, even though the viewer is able to follow the presentation. | 評審獎 獎金1,000 | 84.33 |
潘耘(宗教四)/劉冠伶(宗教四) 賴怡璇(宗教四)/廖旋銘(宗教四) 方晨瑋(宗教四) When a Christian Met a Muslim: A Story of Two Friends 片長: 04:48 | This is a creative, self-examinating, well-made video about cultural and religious differences. The experience is so fruitful that he could make it a story or drama. Good smile and clear verbal expression shows the speaker’s confidence and passion. The speaker does great performance and impersonation. Good! | 第一名 獎金10,000 | 90 |
黃崇葭(英文三)/何俞臻(英文三) 李其芸(英文三) Compare and Contrast of Taiwanese, American, and French School System 片長: 05:39 | Overall the verbal expression, content and visual presentation work together well. Speech tone shows confidence and stability, good. This video with good organization presents the differences between Taiwan and Western educational systems. Good job with reflections on factors involved. Excellent critical thinking skills. Although in the introduction we were told to see French and Japanese systems, the content only drops few lines about them. Also, it might be more convincing if the audience could see you speak in person though. | 第二名 | 89.33 獎金 5,000 |
王楚樵(英文四) My Cross Cultural Experience 片長: 05:16 | A creative beginning that draws attention immediately. The story, though followed by admission of sarcasm, still comes across as a bit condescending, however. The background music is too loud at times. Good job providing concrete details of intercultural experiences and providing tips for doing so successfully. Sophisticated in anticipating and responding to criticism. | 第三名 獎金 2,000元 | 88.33 |
張育慈(英文研一)/熊敏(英文研二) Eva Pulina(傳播二) 鄭智偉(英文四) Culture Shock-Schools around the World 片長: 06:00 | An interesting beginning that grabs attention immediately. Good job providing concrete details of the topics under discussion. It is well-organized, but in order to catch audiences’ attention it would be better to add some more visual effects in the video. It is also a pity that one or two of the speakers seemed to read off notes in front of them at times. Overall all the speakers have good control of verbal expression and content. | 第三名 獎金 2,000元 | 88.33 |
徐鈺婷(臨心四) My Cross-culture Experience—My Journey in New York 片長: 05:57 | This video is a clear comparison and contrast between Taiwan and New York culture as the speaker observes. It is well-organized with introduction and conclusion. The speaker has fluent and accurate oral delivery, and the subtitles correctly follow the lines. Some images of the city as related to the specific themes being discussed will be of great help. | 評審獎 獎金 1,000元 | 87 |
陳信全(英文三) My Experience of International Winter Service Learning in India 片長: 05:01 | You are a great story teller. It is good way to use personal examples to draw our attention. You use appropriate facial expression and gestures to convey your message. It's very informative and persuasive. A slow start: the oral presentation does not start until 40 seconds into the film, which is a long wait for the short video. Overall this is an interesting video, and the visual effect looks professional and suitably follows the content. | 評審獎 獎金 1,000元 | 85.67 |
鄭律竺(新傳三) 3 Things You Need to Know about Cebu City, Philippines 片長: 05:51 | The video is well-organized with clear introduction and conclusion. The speaker uses vivid description and explanation to show Philippines’s distinctive culture. Clear and fluent verbal expression coordinates with visual effect properly. However, two of the main focuses—the Philippine family culture and birthday celebrations—do not seem to count as "culture shocks". | 評審獎 獎金 1,000元 | 85.67 |
黃思涵(社會三) Living in Slums for 14 Days 片長: 05:30 | The narrator’s experience of community service in Navotas, Philippines looks enlightening. Overall the content is well organized, and the visual design is eye-catching. Oral delivery is good except for few minor grammatical errors like “most happiest(delete most)” and “love, sharing & happy(happiness).” Good job reflecting on the extraordinary inter-cultural experience. | 評審獎 獎金 1,000元 | 84 |