鼓勵同學參與多元化的英語自學活動,培養規律的自學方法、 增進英語能力並展現學習成果。
108/3/4 (第三週) 至108/6/7 (第十六週結束)
1. 語測練功坊:準備或參加語測,更上層樓 | |
a | 線上報名並參加實體多益﹑博思模擬考 |
b | 試後參加題解講座 |
2. 雙管齊下自學組 : 自學點數累積 |
a | 英語自學點數 充分利用校內英語學習資源學習英語 NEW! 一分鐘英文 One Minute English |
b | 參加自學課程參加自學學分課, 並抵免2學分的大二外語! 一次累積40點! 1) 英文文法與段落寫作 2) 多益與新聞英語聽讀 |
3. E世代就業競爭力 : 製作多媒體影片 (108/3/4-108/5/10) |
a | 【E-News 在地關懷、放眼世界】 |
b | 【E-Resume 線上履歷,展示英才】 |
c | 【English Project Report 英語專題報告】 |
4.跨文化移動力:全球文化與小組討論 Global Culture and Group Discussion | |
a | 臉書影片留言 兩大主題:Culture Observations and Movies 看電影談文化、From Canada to the World 2019 由加拿大看世界 |
b | 跨文化雲端討論室 |
地點: |
地點: |
5/1 (三) 13:00-15:30 | 5/8 (三) 13:40-15:30 |
地點: 時間: 12:15-15:00 |
地點: |
模考一: 3/11(一)、3/13(三)、3/15(五)、3/18(一) | 3/20 (三) 13:40-15:10 |
模考二: 5/10(五)、5/13(一)、5/15(三)、5/17(五) | 5/22 (三) 13:40-15:10 |
Note: 正式多益考試日期(成績公告): 3/24 (4/16), 4/28 (5/20), 5/26 (6/17)
成果回饋與獎勵: |
英語自學點數競賽 評選標準 |
語測奪冠自學組:參加語測更上層樓 3000元、1000元各一人 |
以出席率及模擬考成績為依據;兩種模擬考成績將換算為百分比計算。 |
成果回饋與獎勵 |
英語自學點數競賽 評選標準 |
英語高手:5,000 元 (1名) |
量:輔仁英語網路學院之自修室或臉書上的心得份數、計算自學點數。 質:自學筆記內容。 |
One Minute English : 第一名2,000元、第二名1,000元 |
活動報名請填寫線上報名表 (A組報名點此;B組報名點此;C組報名點此)
主題 |
評分標準 |
A.【E-News 在地關懷、放眼世界】 製作 4-8 分鐘影片,以英文報導國內外新聞,影片須含括新聞報導與評論之旁白,須提供播報文字檔和出處,不得抄襲(引用他人看法者須加刮號並註 明出處)。採訪長度不得超過總片長之 1/3;採訪前後宜加入製作小組之引介與評論。 |
1. 視覺呈現效果20% 2. 主題確切,內容豐富度40% 3. 英語表達能力40% |
B.【E-Resume 線上履歷,展示英才】 |
1. 視覺呈現效果20% 2. 主題確切,內容豐富度40% 3. 英語表達能力40% |
C.【English Project Report 英語專題報告】 |
1. 內容結構完整、切題 50% 2. 聽眾理解度 25% 3. 英語表達能力 25% |
1052 E-News
1042 E-Resume
1071 English Project (C組)
成果回饋與獎勵 |
第一名:10,000元(3名); 第二名:5,000元(3名); 第三名:2,000 元(6名) |
Our daily lives: Some global experiences 日常生活。全球經驗 |
British and U.S. Subcultures 英國與美國次文化 |
3/16-5/25 每週六 10:00-11:00 | 4/23-6/11 每週二 20:30-21:30 |
Sherry 沈倩宇 小老師
Cathy 楊紫涵 小老師
![]() |
課程簡介點此 | 課程簡介點此 |
參加自學學分課程,一次累積40點! 並可抵免2學分的大二外語! |
自主學習 | 1)英文文法與段落寫作 2)多益與新聞英語聽讀 |
40點自學學分課說明會PPT請點 此
1)英文文法與段落寫作:林政憲 Emile老師 |
2)多益與新聞英語聽讀:李靜怡 Jenny 老師 |
1072 英語自學活動簡章
1072 自學活動與點數對照表
• 雙管齊下自學組:報名請點此
• E世代就業競爭力-主題A (E-News):報名請點此
• E世代就業競爭力-主題B (E-Resume):報名請點此
• E世代就業競爭力-主題C (Project):報名請點此
EngNet 輔仁英語網路學院:網頁連結
FackBook 粉絲專頁:【SMART輔大英語自學俱樂部】
1071 E世代就業競爭力 得獎作品觀摩:點此
1052 E-News 影片得獎作品觀摩:點此
1042 E-Resume 影片得獎作品觀摩:點此
1071 English Project 影片得獎作品觀摩:點此
成果回饋與獎勵: |
語測奪冠組 評選標準: |
語測奪冠自學組:參加語測更上層樓 |
以出席率及模擬考成績為依據 |
得獎學生 |
3000元:余宗芸 平均分數百分比:94.94/ 講座出席率:1/3 1000元: 楊涓 平均分數百分比:89.39/ 講座出席率:1/3
成果回饋與獎勵: |
英語自學點數競賽 評選標準: |
英語高手:5,000 元 (1名) |
量:輔仁英語網路學院之自修室或臉書上的心得份數、計算自學點數。 加權點數:非入門點數算為1.2點 |
得獎學生與點數 |
英語高手(獎金5000元): 余嘉淇 — 107-2 加權點數338.2點 ; 總點數:308點 ; 全年度點數:308點 (全民英檢60,多益2, live ABC 75, CNN 49, one minute english留言1, FB 33, funpack 6, 自學筆記 26, Face2Face英文寫作室 16, 自學網「寫作室」26, Mastering English for Life:Leisure Activities & Lifestyles 6, Project Alexia 艾雷夏計畫 2, 多益模擬考4, 多益講座2) 自學好手(獎金 2,000 元) : 蘇琬婷 — 107-2 加權點數259.8點 ; 總點數:224點 ; 全年度點數:230點 (模考類12, funpack18, Alexia16,英檢8, 筆記12,自學輔導員1,寫作室 4,討論室21, lib 28, cnn2, FB 19, gear up23, one minute english 14) 潘耘 — 107-2 加權點數216.4點 ; 總點數:216點 ; 全年度點數:329點 (新多益閱讀入門 16, LiveABC英語學習資源網51, 英語網路教學與直播課程2, CNN英語學習資源網1, 自學網「雲端討論室」91, 自學網「寫作室」23, 自學輔導員諮詢 1, 艾雷夏計畫Project Alexia 4) 周天玉 — 107-2 加權點數189.2點 ; 總點數:166點 ; 全年點數:455點 (新多益聽力入門 14, 商用英語會話通: 面試問答與簡報技巧20, Liveabc單元測驗 50, 自學網「雲端討論室」80, 自學筆記2) 黃珮煊 — 107-2 加權點數185.6點 ; 總點數:168點 ; 全年點數: 326點 (LiveABC 34, Gear Up 12, FB留言 26, CNN 8, 自學網「雲端討論室」40, 自學筆記 26, 艾雷夏計畫4 , funpack 18) 廖翊宏 — 107-2 加權點數179點 ; 總點數:178點 ; 全年點數:353 (Project Alexia 艾雷夏計畫 8, FB影片4, FB留言8, 英語網路教學與直播課程6, CNN單元測驗99, Funpack 28, 自學輔導員諮詢2, 自學筆記8, 全民英檢5, 艾雷夏計畫4, 多益模擬考4,多益模擬考試後講解講座2) 特別獎(點數累積500點): 5000元獎金 徐鈺婷 — 全年點數:573 恭喜以上一位首先達成500點殊榮的同學! |
得獎學生 | 老師評語 | 獎項 |
Zombie Deer Disease
片長: 06:21 | Your report looks like a real one we watch on TV every day. This one provides what the disease is firstly from the anchor, and gives us some different perspectives from the street interviewees and a professor. All of the participants in this report have good pronunciation. And it’s a highlight that your interviewees come from different ages and different places. And the change of scenes is well-done. | 第一名 獎金10,000 |
The Two Sides about Immigration in Taiwan 片長: 07:25 | This news report discusses the issue of new immigration and people’s response in Taiwan. All members in the video speak fluently and the script is well-made. The interviewee Thomas speaks smoothly and naturally, good! As a news report, it would be better to add some visual effect to the screen; the video may look vivid and attract audience’s attention. At the end of the video, there are reference links, job allocation list, and other detailed production information, Good! | 第二名 獎金5,000 |
Trump's national emergency 片長: 06:26 | Your clear explanation of how the federal government works helps the views have a better understanding of the news story. But it’s a pity that you only present a perspective from the general public. Perhaps another one from an expert’s opinion to add diversity to how you see this issue? Also, the word “declaration” is mispronounced. It sounds like “decoration” in the video.
| 第三名 獎金2,000 |
The Exploded Shoe of Nike 片長: 05:45 | Nicely done! I think the overall effect of yoru video, including visual effect is wonderful, and I also like your news story. However, some of you keep reading the script without having eye contact with your audience, a way which makes your news vdieo less authenic and persuasive. And there are few grammtical errors in your script. Also, you forgot to give us your works cited in the end of your vieo. Please be very careful about it! | 第三名 獎金2,000 |
Tech News of the Week - Google IO 2019 片長: 08:20 | The video introduces Google’s new smart phones, software, and services. Overall the cut and coordination of video and sound are well-made. The speaker’s grasp of language and tech information lend credence to this video about tech trend. Some parts of the video seem to be borrowed from other sources online; it would be better to provide the reference links at the end of video. | 裁判獎 獎金1,000 |
李紫楦 林凌亘 許乃心 趙崇安
ABC World: US-China Trade War 片長: 07:59 | You explained clearly who was involved in this trade war, what happened, where and when it took place, and why and how it occurred. The three experts also provide different perspectives. But for the part of the 2nd expert, the visual aid should stay longer and it’s too small on the screen to see clearly. It’s be better if the expert explains a little bit. Also, it’s a pity that the 2nd and the last expert could have some kind of interaction with the anchor just as the 1st expert with the anchor. | 裁判獎 獎金1,000 |
得獎學生 | 老師評語 | 獎項 |
Cara Lee- E-Resume 片長: 03:01 | Creative and lively presentation of your acting skills. Good job selecting music matching your performance in the video. Most relevant experiences in the past and future goals are clearly stated. A concrete image with the stairway symbolizing an upward journey to dream fulfillment!! Again, it shows that you are creative and resourceful. The concluding image of the stage, however, is less convincing. A stage in a traditional theater might work better. Give it a try next time! Overall, good job.
Minor language problem: "Proof it" → "Prove it"; "became the publicity"→"was in charge of publicity".
| 第一名 獎金7,500 |
Nicole Huang_E-Resume 片長: 05:22 | You come across as an energetic and experienced English teacher. Your voice sounds pleasant, you speak fluently with great confidence, and the activity photos effectively support your statements. A superb job. Well done. The only problem is probably the graphic design. Though the slides all look colorful, the font you used seems a bit messy.
| 第一名 獎金 7,500 |
My E-Resume 片長: 03:01 | The verbal skills of the presenter was generally good yet occasionally difficult to understand, as the background music was a bit louder than the voice. The presenter expressed and organized ideas and information with considerable effectiveness and enthusiasm, though she seemed a bit uneasy to speak out loud. She was able to express her own characteristics and some skills. The objective of this e-resume, which was to express her willingness to persue a career in nursing (or any other relevant careers), wasn't clear until the last minute of the presentation. | 裁判獎 獎金 1,000元 |
得獎學生 | 老師評語 | 獎項 |
Attractiveness Bias in the Workplace 片長: 09:34 | A forceful problem-solution argument. Good job in narrowing down the focus to the workplace and in deliberating possible solutions. The only problem is perhaps the missing photo credits. For instance, there are images supposedly taken from a movie, but the movie title is not provided. Other than that, it's an exceptional presentation.
| 第一名 獎金10,000 |
片長: 09:43 | This is a well-organized presentation that helps to understand the cause and effect of an intriguing new phenomenon in politics. Great job giving concrete examples of amateur politicians worldwide and locally while analyzing their appeals as well as potential risks they pose. However, the speakers kept reading from notes and avoided engaging eye contact with the audience, which gives the impression of not having enough confidence. As a research project, a more serious problem lies in the overall lack of documentation. There are no references, nor closing credits.
| 第二名 獎金 5,000 |
The Combination of Graffiti art and Pop-culture 片長: 06:22 | Good job exploring graffiti as a contemporary art form. The word "graffiti", however, needs to be clearly defined to avoid confusion. It needs to be differentiated from murals (wall paintings with permission of property owners), for example. When you link the history to graffiti, you are not talking about murals, right? Bounce's work in 台中東勢牛稼莊 is a commissioned mural work, not a graffiti work. Overall, you've successfully shown that graffiti is derived from people's everyday life and thus is an integral part of pop culture. ("Postmodern" is another term that needs to be clearly defined.) Your main points are clear, but you need to create better transitions between different parts of the presentation. | 第三名 獎金 2,000 |
陶聖文/顏妤倢/洪冠如/ 梁晏寧
Bollywood Style Wedding Dress 片長: 08:08 | What a fantastic topic! Great job in doing "show and tell" by having one member actually dressed up in Bollywood-style wedding dress and with another member demonstrating bridal henna. On the other hand, though you discussed the red color and the jewels, it might be more interesting to show Bollywood movie images with the same dress and interview some people from that culture. Stories about the dress or common decorative motifs might help to deepen understanding too. | 第三名 獎金 2,000 |