Dear Colleagues,

To follow up on the good start we have made with the English Self-Learning Introductions, the Online English Self-Learning Center (SLC is now presenting 98 Self-Learning Show: 98自學總動員, hoping to encourage and suggest some efficient ways of English self-learning.

Time: 2009/10/19 ~ 2010/3/31
Participating Units: the Online Self-Learning Center (SLC + SLW), The English Corner, The English Clinic (of Social Sciences), The Self-Learning Room (語言自學室, MMC).

For students to do self-learning, there are again 3+1 choices:

1. 自我挑戰與找碴 :take the mock tests offered by SLC, do learning in SLC, while also trying to find errors in either LiveABC materials, or SLW self-learning courses; 利用LiveABC平台參加考試,在LiveABC的學習資源和/或自學網的自修課程自修,同時找碴──找出教材的錯誤,並糾正之。(考試包括:練習考、自學中心舉辦的模擬考[共兩次],和/或課堂老師主持的LiveABC線上考試。)
2. 存錢 : earning and accumulating points with various online and/or face-to-face learning activities; 利用校內資源自學,累積點數。(可累積點數地點:English Corner, English Clinic,語言自學室或自學網。)
3. 作伙拼英文: forming a study group with the support of Self-Learning Center! 組成讀書小組,設定讀書目標、時程。

+ 1 交自學報告: submitting a report on how/what one learns. (Those submitting the report will get a notepad.)

Could you help?

Would you like to encourage your students to join this activity? If so, here're some options:

-- 代發簡章 If you would like to distribute the activity introduction, please let us know how many copies you need;

-- 到班介紹 If you want us to introduce to your students this activity, as well as SLC and LiveABC resources, please let us know;

-- 集體報名 If you would like us to register your whole class for this activity, please give us the list of your students' names, student ID's, as well as your course title.


Thank you for your attention.
Let's continue to make our students active in learning not only in our classes but also outside

For more details, please see the attached file, or the website here:

Best regards,
Kate (Kate Liu) & Peggy (Peggy Hsu)