1. Online Test 2. Drag & Drop (1~2 From Guided Reading on the Web) ¡@ 3. Reading Comprehension:
Basic 1) Vocabulary 2) Texts 3) Quizzes-- 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Intermediate 1) Vocabulary 2) Texts
Advanced 1) Vocabulary 2) Texts (From English Gym) ¡@ 4. Reading a. Sentence Structure 1) I. Basic Sentence Components: P.1 / P.2 / P.3
Sentence Structure Analysis
Practical English & Writing) ¡@ 5. Storiesa. A Piece of Heaven and Earth of Our Own: 6) The Children of a Police Officer 7) A Piece of Heaven and Earth of Our Own 8) Waiting for Official Approval 9) Activity Planners in Our House b. An Endless Road 1) Tracing Back 4) Coming Here 6) The Su Family Genealogical Record--the Taiwan Chapter 7) Going Home--Returning to the Source (From Stories) ¡@ 6. Guideline for Writing a Summery (6-7 From Reading Club)
1. Reading Online (Provided by Guided Reading on the Web) 2. Good Websites for Reading (Provided by Commercial English & TOEIC Preparation) [top] |