Idioms & Expressions |
General introduction. *By Marguerite Connor Introduces you to the series of lessons. Each lesson contains 20 idioms or proverbs used in context, their meanings and a self-test.
Lesson one: General Proverbs. *By Marguerite Connor. Be introduced to general proverbs used by a lot of moms, so know by their kids!
Lesson two: Idioms at school. *By Marguerite Connor Follow Matt, Albin and Samantha as they discuss all the work they have to do for school and how they will deal with it.
Lesson three: Idioms at work. *By Marguerite Connor Diane, Kathy and Tom are discussing work. Their conversation will introduce you to a number of idioms commonly used at work.
Lesson four: Idioms at play. *By Marguerite Connor Matt, Amalia and Megan are planning a day of fun. Follow their conversation to learn a bunch of fun idioms.
Lesson five: American culture proverbs. *By Marguerite Connor
Learn some of the important proverbs that are used to teach American citizens our culture’s core values. ¡@ |
Lesson six: Gossip at a
pajama party. *By Marguerite Connor
Megan, Georgia and Mackenzie are enjoying a pajama party to celebrate the end of their summer vacation.
Lesson seven: Chat at a
gym. *By Marguerite Connor
Matt, Michael and George are three good friends who have spent a lot of time hanging out together over the summer. ¡@ |
Lesson eight: Chat
before a trip. *By Marguerite Connor
Rose and her brother John are getting ready to goon a trip to the New Jersey shore with their family. ¡@ |
Lesson nine: Chat among
old friends. *By Marguerite Connor
Late, Julie and Veronica are going to have dinner out together in a restaurant, but first they stopped at a cafe to decide where to go. ¡@ |
ten: Dialogue on business. *By Marguerite Connor
Jamal, Mike, Shaniqua and Loretta work for an advertising agency, and they have a big presentation due at work in just two days.
ºô¶»s§@ Angela Wu