增進聽力技巧的訣竅 (download)
增進聽力的重點與方法 (download)

















Tips for Listening Comprehension 增進聽力技巧的訣竅

Tip 1: 弄清楚聽的目的

* 如果你開始聽某段話之前有個目標,你會發現“聽懂”並不那麼難。
* 問一問自己,在聽一段話之前,你想知道什麼?是內容大意還是某些特定的資訊?

A. 如果目標是內容大意,就把注意力放在內容一再重覆的部份。一般而言, 主要大意大都出現在對話最前面與最後面所說的部份。

B. 如果目標是掌握某些特定的資訊,先預測資訊出現之前,說話的人可能說些什麼。

C. 注意聽「導引字」。比如說,購物主題一定有如 price(價格)/  cost (要價) / 或 dollars (金額)等關鍵字出現。

Tip 2: 掌握相關背景資訊
Tip 3: 先預測再觀察
Tip 4: 被強調的字詞
聽的時候,注意聽那些被大聲說出與輕聲帶過的字。大聲說出被強調的字通常包含了重要訊息,比較不重要的字就會被輕輕快速地帶過,比如說,在“那部車的價錢真是便宜!”這句話中,你會發現 “價錢”與 “便宜”這些字被強調出來。
Tip 5: 注意說話者的語調
在對話中的短語如 Indeed (的確), Oh, I see. (我明白了), Really? (真的嗎?) 等表示聽者回應與或贊同談話內容。相反地,如果你聽到說話者用上揚的語調,則表示疑問或打斷對話要求解釋。
Tip 6: 注意非言語的線索








要增進聽力,可以透過廣播、電視節目、外國影集、電影、雜誌或書籍配合錄音帶或CD 甚至和外國人多交談來訓練及增進聽力。然而,要聽清每個字的發音,並真正理解內容,很不容易。
1. 聽的重點:
(1) 注意內容字(content words),
(2) 由理解的內容字,把握住內容大意。
(3) 不要停頓在未聽清楚的音或一直回想未聽懂的單字,才不致於妨礙對其他內容的理解。

2. 辨別內容字(content words) 與功能字(function words):
(1) 內容字(content words)是指名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞等有實質意義的字,通常是重讀的字(stress words),比較容易聽出來。
(2) 功能字(function words)是指冠詞、介系詞、代名詞、連接詞、助動詞等,表示文法作用的字,通常不是重讀的字(stress words),比較不容易聽出來。功能字在快速的講話中,常隱於重讀的內容字之中,要特別留意才能聽出來。

2. 聽寫(dictation): 


3. 聽的方法:
1. 重讀(follow- up):

這種緊隨著播音員的發音方法,即是重讀(follow- up),在做此訓練時,必須全神貫注於播音員的聲音,不能分心。






Listening Strategies: We listen with our minds, not ears!


1. Why is listening so difficult for you?
  • Dialects, accents, stresses, rhythms, intonations, mispronunciations

  • Little or no control over the speed of the input of spoken material

  • Spoken material is often heard only once without any second chances.

  • Can't pause to work out the meanings during a conversation.

  • Dealing with more than one task, such as formal note-taking, writing down messages, or operating equipment while listening to instructions.

2. Developing effective listening habits and strategies:
  • 猜測會話主題
  • 訓練觀察力,分析語境 ( Formal / informal; rehearsed / un-rehearsed; responsive?)
    (Context / Visual clues: facial expression, gestures, and other body language as well as the surrounding environment
  • 找出關鍵字,相關字彙聯想
  • 辨認片語 & 句法結構  watch TV, see movies, ride horses, play the piano,
    drink ice cold water, catch a cold, climb up the mountains
3. The types and process of listening(聽力的種類與過程)
3.1 The types:
  • Content listening: listen for directions or oral announcements from authority figures
  • Critical listening: listen for and judge the messages conveyed in the mass media: television, the internet, radio, and the newspaper.
  • Empathic listening: listen for special feelings, differing opinions or personal experiences
  • Appreciative listening: listen for enjoyment when watching different programs: a concert, a movie, and possibly, a theater play.
3.2 Characteristics of the listening process
  • sounds input - hearing- decoding- get message- responding
  • Receiving: physically hearing the message and taking note of it.
  • Interpreting: Presupposition & Reference & Implication
  • Remembering: Storing a message for future reference
  • Evaluating: Applying critical thinking skills to separate fact from opinion
  • Responding: Reacting by applause, laughter, silence, or verbal feedback
  • Revising assumptions: Adjustments--check what you understand

4. Effective Listening

4.1 Barriers to Effective Listening
  • Prejudgment: Jumping into conclusions close their minds to additional information
  • Self-centeredness: Shifting attention from the speaker to themselves
  • Out-listening: Listening selectively & Disparity between the rate of speech (120-150 w/m) and rate of thought (500-800 w/m)
4.2 Context & Semantic associations: How do we listen with our minds?

In English the following sentences are often referred to as A PLAY ON WORDS.

GIRL : Say you love me! Say you love me! 

BOY : You love me...

GIRL : If we become engaged will you give me a ring?? 

BOY : Sure, what's your phone number??

GIRL : John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly. What do you think, Peter?

BOY : A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.


4.3 Improving Your Listening Skills
  • Listening for concept, key ideas, and facts
  • Be able to distinguish between evidence and argument, idea and example, fact and principle
  • Analyze the key points—whether they make sense and are supported by facts
  • Using context clues, structure pattern, and intonation clues
  • Look for unspoken message in the speaker's tone of voice or expressions
  • Keep an open mind
  • Ask questions that clarify
  • Reserve judgment until the speaker has finished
  • Take meaningful notes that are brief and to the point
5. Effective listening practices(有效的聽力練習)
5.1 sounds
@同音異字:  here / hear, ate / eight, son / sun
@相似音:      fries / flies, plan / plane, commuter / committee
                      He / She is coming to play / today.
                      pit pet bet / bear tear ear beer
5.2 words 字彙連結
@找出關鍵字 for transportation: buses, trains, east, tracks
@介系詞  / 連接詞  / 轉折語
@多義字: book, wind, blew / The park is huge.
5.3  Syntax Yes-No Questions (Do, Will, Can, Should, Be)
       Wh-Information Questions (who-whose, when, why, where, what, how)
       Subject & Verb Agreement

代名詞: Danny comes from Xian, and he stays in Beijing now.
              It is our shipment, so we’ll pay for it.
時態: Last week we hoped you would come.
比較 This car is better than that car.

What does Mary do?     She is a director.
What time is it?            Lunchtime.
What's your name?       Tony White.
What's your idea?          It's great! 

How do you get here?                      By bus.
How much does the book cost?       Twenty dollars.
How many people attended?           About two thousand.
How long did the lecture last?         About two hours.
How often do you visit here?           Once a week.