成果回饋與獎勵: |
標準 |
1-語測奪冠自學組:參加語測更上層樓 多益組 3000元 兩名、1000元 一名 | 同時計算模擬考(進步程度)和正式考成績 *語測奪冠組的獲獎同學,不得同時申請校內其他語測獎勵 |
得獎學生: | 成績: |
第一名 3000元 (兩位): 沈維琦、路芯瑜 第二名 1000元 (一位): 吳思佳
第一名成績: 990分、800分 第二名成績: 745分 |
雙管齊下自學組 [累積自學點數]
成果回饋與獎勵: |
標準 |
2-雙管齊下自學組 英語高手:5,000 元 (1名) 自學好手:2,000 元 (5名) 優良筆記獎 :2,000 元 (1名) |
量:自學網的自學筆記或臉書上的心得份數、計算自學點數。 質:自學筆記內容。 |
得獎學生: 成績: | |
英語高手 蔡伶婕 130 點 自學好手 李驊桓 102 點 、吳青泰 90 點、 林佳燕 72 點 程群家 70 點、邵靖恒 58 點 優良筆記獎 李晨嵐
E世代就業競爭力 [Me and My Local Culture & Global Culture and Me]
得獎學生 |
獎項 |
評審評分&得獎理由 |
MyLC | 第一名 獎金10,000 |
89.0 分
1. (1). The content is rich and the English language is well spoken; (2). The editing skills are good; (3). The interaction between the two main actors is active. 3.本影片的主題為市民文化,以大安公園捷運站當起點,介紹大安公園的生活機能性,以及公園內的環境。接著介紹建國花市、永康街商圈。內容部分十分豐富,然而看不出主題性”市民文化”。建議影片開始說明何謂影片想要介紹的市民文化。少有後製以及視覺效果。影片缺乏生動性,多為作者以口白方式介紹。 |
MyLc | 第二名 獎金5,000 |
83.3 分 1. (1). The content is OK and the English language is well spoken; (2). The editing skills are good, but some images are blur and out of focus; (3). You may want to add a proper ending to the film." 3. 本影片介紹饒河夜市以及多樣當地知名的美食。拍攝手法,以美食名稱直接出現在畫面上,少有詳細說明為什知名以及其特色為何。後製部分,音樂給人輕鬆的感覺,但是拍攝畫面一直搖晃。
MyLc | 第二名 獎金5,000 |
83.3 分 1. (1). The idea is good, and the film has a clear focus; (2). It's not hard to follow the film although I don't really understand a couple of scenes; (3). If possible, the film can be added with some depth. 2. (1). Wonderfully made vdieo with vivid visual impression of your main idea. (2). The video is so symbolically impressive that the audience can feel the way you refelct your life in Taipei. (3). I like the ways you connect the alientating feeling with the MRT and show the audience what you find in this journey. Good work! (4). Although you didn't make a voce-over, the video itself represents a powerful vechile of speaking your thoughts! 3. 本影片記錄台北忙碌的生活,以撐黃色雨傘的女孩當作影片的主軸,紀錄她的內心獨白。直接以現場的交通吵雜聲和人群的聲音當作背景,呈現真實的狀況。然而,影片內容和影片標題”One in the city but not of the city”的關係卻是不明顯。 |
MyLc 張家綾/邵培文 | 第三名 獎金2,000 |
82.7 分 1. The texts are good. However, without narrating, I expect the images to be more powerful. 2. (1). This video is excellent in giving your main idea of people's alienting reality in Taipei city. I like the ways you present this central issue with lots of beautifully edited photos. Good job. (2). Concerning the ways you present here, a photo jounrey is okay, but you may try to make an voice-over narration to deepen the ideas you emphsize here in order to follow the rule of this contest. (3). The video length can be longer. 3.本影片反思台北的現代生活型態,著重於人與人之間的互動關係,透過靜態圖片的展示以及搭配文字的解說。主題性顯明。然而,受限於主題,視覺的呈現略為缺乏。沒有口白來搭配影片。然而,似乎與活動主題的關聯性不強["以旁白介紹就讀學校所在地的區域文化與特色,或設計並演出情境英語會話"]。 |
MyGc 連心蕾/丁敏學 | 第一名 獎金10,000 |
86.7分 1. Effective use of juxtaposition to demonstrate the similarities of two revitalization projects in the postmodern era. While the parallel is successfully established, the conclusion only appears as part of the end credits. Instead, it should have been clearly stated by the narrator. 2. This video with good organization compares two land use patterns. To compare or make contrast specifically how people in the two places use the factory-park could be interesting. 3. The juxtaposition of the two cities is well done, but the subtitles are scrolling too fast when you give the basic information on two places. (Watching that part of your video made me feel dizzy.) You mispronounced “leisure” and “formed”. It would be great if you could give an analysis of “the homogeneous pattern”. For example, does it show that this is a necessary (or natural) process of urban development? Does it reflect modern civilization? It’s good that you acknowledged and documented the sources you used."
MyGc 林莘淂/莊子寧 | 第二名 獎金5,000 |
86.3 分 1. An account of a meaningful cross-cultural exchange. The speaking voice is confident and well-paced. The major theme, though clearly stated ("Return what is taken from the land.") in the conclusion, could be further developed. Exactly what is learned from the local culture and the college students could be elaborated as well. 2. This is a vivid introduction to a learning trip to Aceh. The video shows something different from the metropolitan Taiwan. Adding more specific example of cultural difference would be better. 3. This is a very good work. It’s a meaningful project. The bilingual subtitles are appreciated. In your video, you didn’t just show how you introduced your own culture to the other party; it was great to see that you also learned from them and how you benefited from the interaction. I hope the collaboration and cooperation can continue and keep inspiring more young people. If you want to make this presentation better, you need to fix those obvious pronunciation problems and grammatical mistakes. Here is a quick comment on the segment toward the end (between 2:48 and 3:00). You can find it in Taiwan, can’t you?" |
MyGc 莊諭/梁育萱 | 第三名 獎金2,000 |
83.7分 1. Humorous and informative. Some pronunciation and grammatical problems, such as a lack of subject-verb agreement. 2. Overall this is an interesting video, and the visual effect acurately follows the content, good! Pay attention to some minor grammetical errors and the speaker's English intonation. 3. It is good that you adopt this format—a mixture of a relatively serious radio talk show and a funny, humorous role-play, which works well with your presentation. Moreover, the format helps you to structure your ideas so the introduction, body and conclusion of your report are interesting, well-organized, and nicely animated. When you introduce how people from different countries celebrate New Year holidays, it is a good idea to show their national flags. If possible, you should have blocked or removed the sign that reads “休閒區,禁止停車.” If you want to make this presentation better, you have to fix those obvious pronunciation problems and grammatical mistakes. " |
MyGc 張恩齊/張娟瑤 | 第三名 獎金2,000 |
83.7分 1. Thoughtful reflections on cultural differences in the two popular comic series. The video is most convincing when comparing the female characters. The other points of comparison are potentially interesting, but do not seem conclusive. 2. The video is well-organized with clear introduction and conclusion. The backgraoud music is so loud that the audiences may not be able to hear voice-over clearly. Revising the reference page into a list with author and title/web site would be better. 3. It’s good that you acknowledged and documented the sources you used. Your choice of topic must be interesting to those who love comics. These two comics are so well-known and popular and they are distinctive in their own ways, especially in terms of the cultural implication. You also did a good job with giving an in-depth analysis of the comics. If you want to make this presentation better, you have to fix those obvious pronunciation problems and grammatical mistakes. Since there are already a lot of non-verbal information on the slides, the subtitles are more disturbing than helpful to the audience. " |
成果回饋與獎勵: |
參加一堂課可累積自學點數2點 9堂課全勤20點 ! |
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