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吳明珍 職治二 多益成績: 815分 邱梓毓 法律二甲 多益成績: 785分 |
成果回饋與獎勵: |
英語自學點數競賽 評選標準 |
英語高手:5,000 元 (1名) |
量:輔仁英語網路學院之自修室或臉書上的心得份數、計算自學點數。 |
得獎學生與點數 |
英語高手(獎金5000元): 謝欣耘 — 106-1 127點 ; 總點數:277點 自學好手(獎金 2,000 元) : 陳鏡光 — 106-1 165點 ; 總點數:165點 吳青泰 — 106-1 90點 ; 總點數:362點 徐鈺婷 — 106-1 73點 ; 總點數:155點 蔡涵佳 — 106-1 52點 ; 總點數:52點 楊慧榆 — 106-1 48點 ; 總點數:197點 教室推薦獎:湯婕 特別獎(點數累積500點): 5000元獎金 還未有同學得名 快接近500點同學加油 繼續努力! |
主題A.【My Campus and Campus Talk我的校園文化】 以英文介紹就讀學校具特色之景點,以故事呈現或設計並演出 情境英語會話。 |
評分標準: |
主題B. 【Our Times 我的OO時代】 |
1. 視覺呈現效果20% |
成果回饋與獎勵:成績優者有機會得北一區獎項!! |
第一名:10,000元 (2名) |
主題A. 【My Campus and Campus Talk 我的校園文化】
得獎學生 | 老師評語 | 獎項 | 評審評分 |
江宜芳/舒情/劉思妤 Introduction to Fu Jen University's Restaurants 片長: 05:24 | This video is a clear and smooth introduction to the food courts and coffee shop in Fu Jen. It starts with the motivation, and states that the restaurants at FJU will be introduced one after another. The video is rather informative (ranking, recommended meals, prices, etc.) However, some restaurants introduced in the video are not at FJU, such as Café Industry. I am not sure whether it has to be included here, for the sake of consistency. Although there is no subtitles, the voice-over is nicely spoken. On a side note, pinyin/romanization of the restaurant names is preferred.
| 第一名 獎金10,000 | 87.7分 |
劉采緹/陳怡瑄 My Campus FuJen GOGOGO 片長: 05:35 | This videos introduces two famous campus foods at FJU, and gives the vivid descriptions of how they taste. Though this video does not involve much post-production, the vitality of the two students enhances the interaction with the audience in some way. Despite so, there are two parts in need of further improvement. First, it will be great if the video gives some historical background information of two campus foods under discussion, and further demonstrates how they are different from the same foods outside the campus. The descriptions are made rather at the intuitive level. Second, the video work has to be carefully proofread. Some apparent errors, not exhaustive here, are spotted as follows. FuJen: Fu Jen Pronunciation: unique, dessert, flavor, Some grammatical errors in the subtitles.
| 第二名 獎金5,000 | 86分 |
盧冠穎/鍾知恒/童沛綺/劉玥吟 My Campus and My Campus Talk 片長: 04:18 | This video introduces Easy Mind at FJU. It starts with a long monologue (almost 1 minute in length), followed by the informative descriptions of Easy Mind. The background music is good. However, there are three parts in need of substantial improvement. First, the narration does not match its corresponding image at times in the video. For example, why does the garbage-throwing image co-occur with the description of the location of Easy Mind? Second, the video is primarily composed of the narration alone, making itself less interactive. Third, there are many grammatical errors in the subtitles.
| 第二名 獎金5,000 | 86分 |
My Campus and Campus Talk - Campus Cuisines 片長: 05:21 | This video introduces three cuisines at FJU, with one reporter accompanied with two male students, who share the taste of the cuisines and offer relevant information about the restaurants and the cuisines. However, I think that there are three parts in need of further improvement. First, I have no idea why these three cuisines/foods are worthy of being chosen for this project/in the video, given that there are many foods/cuisines at FJU. Second, there is no much post-production, making the video less interactive. The video simply consists of dialogues and monologues. Third, there are many grammatical errors in the subtitles. It is suggested that the work has to be carefully proofread beforehand. | 第三名 獎金2,000 | 85.3分 |
University Explorer 片長: 05:02 | This video focuses on the introduction of College of Management at FJU, and explains its features, followed by an interview with one freshman. One interesting aspect of this video is that the authors decided to introduce the college in the manner of news reporting. However, there are three parts in need of further improvement. First, it is not clear to me how the interview is related to the introduction of the college. For example, the questions that the reporter asked seem common to every freshman. In this regard, the questions cannot reflect how special the college is. Second, there is no much post-production. Third, it is suggested that the film should be carefully proofread. | 裁判獎 獎金1,000 |
主題B. 【Our Times 我的OO時代】
得獎學生 | 老師評語 | 獎項 | 評審評分 |
劉苡辰/沈貝俞/吳家升 Our AART Times 片長: 05:15 | Informative and entertaining. An original story that challenges traditional gender roles. Bravo! A powerful dramatic ending. Minor language problems include some typos. I like your delicate design of the story which combines the introduction of AAR and the love relationship togther. It's really a creative way to make the video. The most impressive part is that you also bring gender issue into the story which makes your video much more exciting! The post-production effect is great and your speaking is also acuurent in pronounication and the grammar! Of course, the powerful ending also shows us how you live in such a time when love becomes easier than your department's project!
| 第一名 獎金10,000 | 93.3分 |
藍葳/賴佩君/楊嘉聖 Our Freshman Times 片長: 04:07 | Wonderful video! Thanks for making such a great story about your struggling internally and externally in the college life. Your video has a well-structured orgnization and has a beautiful-designed screen which makes the story itself convicning and attractive! I, in particular, like your ways of dealing with the ending of the video when the three characters meet each other in the campus. This special design encourages all of the students in the college that life is hard but as long as you keep working hard, you'll find a way out and achieve where you aim at in the college and in the future! The only thing you need to be aware of is about few grammatical mistake in your script. All in all, you did a great job in preparing this video!
| 第二名 獎金5,000 | 92.3分 |
Our High School Times 片長: 04:23 | Good work! From watching your video, the audience can feel how you cherish your sweet memories from your highschool times. The editing effect is also great! In doing so, the structure in the video can clearly be noticed and the happy feeling that the video intends to highlight is obviously constructed. I also like your language use in the video. The words you choose are all correct and appropriate and the sentences are also nicely contracted. Apart from these positive side of the video, there are few places that the video can be improved so that the overall effect wlill be more effective. First, the consistence of the sound volume. In-between each section, the different volume effects become so prominent that the transitioning part is less persuaisve. Second, about the script. You need to be aware of the precise use the verb tense when talking to the past experience in your highschool. Third, abou the video structure. Although we all know your main idea is abou your highschool years, there is no proper ending for the video. The ending is done only by the final speaker's memory. It appears unconvincing! If you can make an overall conclusion that helps you transit your highshool times to the college life right now, the video will be thematically complete and persausive. Anyway, thank you for your great efforts in making this video. | 第三名 獎金2,000 | 90.0分 |
Our Times 我的UNI有你時代 片長: 05:48 | Excellent work! Your story makes me deeply touched. I'm so impressive about your carefully designed plot line and the characterization. With nearly perfect video effect, we are totally facinated in the leading actress in the video. In the end of the video, your smart editing skill which changes angle of the camerca from the front side to the rear side of the leading actress creates such a suspense and surprise when her kindness finally pays back from her classmates. Such a sweet ending! Thank you so much for bringing us such a great video! | 第三名 獎金2,000 | 89.7分 |
I See You 片長: 05:48 | Good job! I like your creativity in making the gender role different from the conventional presentation. From your carefully edited background music, we can easily understand how the story develops in the video; however, they are also the effect that distracts the audience's attention! Some of the music is too loud and too direct that the effect you want to achieve leaves no space for the audience to imagine! Moreover, there are few grammatical errors in your scripts. Please be very careful when proofreading. Finally, the blooper section in the end of the video is quite interesting and let the audience feel what efforts you put in making the video. Thanks a lot for your hard work! | 裁判獎 獎金1,000 | |
My Lavish Era Its all about friendship 我的月光時代 片長: 06:35 | Thanks for making this interesting video about your "lavish era" in the university. You got a very impressive opening in the video; however, after the opening scene, the ways you tell the story seem to be less consistent with the basic tone you set up from the very beginning. Besides, the length of the video can be shorten a little bit in order to make the theme structrually and economically conntected. Overall, you still make an impressive story for the project! Thanks a lot for your hard word! | 裁判獎 獎金1,000 | |
Our Video Games Era 片長: 05:22 | What an interesting video about the age of video games! Well done! I'm surprised to know that your excellent video-editing skills are so great that the opening scene and the scenes where you facilitate these two popular games are visually impressive, the techniques which apprently attracts the audience's attention. Next, your video structure is also great! We can easily understand how the video is made by dividing it into 4 parts: the opening, the introduction to "League of Legends," the introduction to "Dead by Daylight," and the ending. From this clear design, we understand how the generation of video games appears to be. For the language part, you may need to pay attention to the proofreading your script. There are some spelling errors in the video. All in all, you did a nice work in this video making project. Thanks a lot for your great work! | 裁判獎 獎金1,000 | |
Our Childhood Cartoon Times 片長: 04:33 | Good job! Your ways of opening your video and the depth of the content that you cover in the video is so interesting and informative that they attract the audience's attention immediately. These cartoons are the sweet memories for differernt generations so that your strategy of chooseing these cartoons is very unique and effective. However, the design of the screen is complicated that there are many "things" which co-exist on the screen. Besides, the sound of echoing is too loud to let the audience hard to listen to what you narrate in the video. Despite these defects, your creativity is hard to ignore! Thanks for your great efforts! | 裁判獎 獎金1,000 |