Campus Talk Cosmetic Surgery

Environmental Protection

Fitness Club Job Interview


Cosmetic Surgery


Focus Conversation Frequent Expressions Extended Learning Self-Assessment



Section 4    Extended Learning


Questions for discussion

1.      What are the other common cosmetic surgeries?

<Example Answer>

tummy tuck      縮腹手術

breast enlargement隆乳

facelift          拉皮手術

brow lift         額頭拉皮手術

lip augmentation   豐唇手術

liposuction        抽脂


2.      Are you for or against plastic or cosmetic surgery? Why or why not?

3.      Do you ever want to have any part of your body changed? Have you ever considered plastic surgery?
4.      Why do a lot of people who seek plastic surgeries want to have western looks? What is your view on this trend?
