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【My Campus & My Campus Talk 我的校園文化】 | 1.視覺呈現效果20% 2.主題確切、內容豐富度40% 3.英語表達能力40% |
【Our Times我的○○時代】 | 1.視覺呈現效果20% 2.主題確切、內容豐富度40% 3.英語表達能力40% |
主題A. 【My Campus and Campus Talk 我的校園文化】
得獎學生 | 老師評語 | 獎項 | 評審評分 |
國立臺灣海洋大學 林宸儁/陳榮傑/徐瑋妮/張庭瑜/吳映璇 A Little Girl and a Worker in NTOU 片長: 04:21 | This video introduces a scary story/an anecdote in NTOU. First, the story is told with sufficient details. Second, the background music is well chosen, creating an intense sense of fear. Third, the bilingual subtitles are provided, which is rather impressive. Fourth, the post-production effects are amazing. However, if three parts in the video are substantially improved, I think that this video will be a perfect work. First, there are several grammatical errors in the subtitles, saying that this work has to be carefully proofread in advance. Second, it is suggested that speaking fluency of the narrator/the two speakers should be improved. Third, the ending part looks confusing to me. Maybe, the ending part can be improved the addition of more details.
| 第一名 獎金10,000 | 93.3分 |
國立臺灣海洋大學 黃柏勳/楊侑丞/王譽茵/陳毅/劉佲家 NTOU ME 片長: 05:44 | This video starts with the location of NTOU, and moves to the introduction of marine engineer (ME). It offers a comprehensive description of the ME department. Anyone that watches this videos is able to gain some understanding of what ME is about. What impresses me is that abbreviations, specialized training, and practices related to ME are explained. Generally speaking, this is a good promotion video of the ME department. Also, the post-production effects are added (the background music). This can be one of the greatest works if the following parts are further improved. First, there are numbers of grammatical errors in the subtitles. Second, as the students in the video are nervous, some words are not clearly articulated.
| 第二名 獎金5,000 | 90.3分 |
國立臺灣海洋大學 官廷柔/林孔富/陳凱傑/詹筑鈞 Long Gang Recreation Trail 片長: 04:03 | This video introduces Long-Gan Recreation Trail. It not only offers an introduction of the economic system there but also shows the surrounding areas. What impresses me is that the bilingual subtitles are provided. The two students in the video speak English very fluently. This can be a great work if the following parts can be improved. First, there are some minor grammatical errors in the subtitles. Second, the video ends abruptly. It is suggested that the route to Long-Gan Recreation from NTOU can be offered.
| 第三名 獎金2,000 | 89.3分 |
國立臺灣海洋大學 許棋崴/賴星合/林以真/呂昂/王晨光 One Day Trip To Long-Gang Trail At NTOU 片長: 05:01 | This video introduces Long-Gan Trail at NTOU. The video starts with a situational dialogue, and moves to a one-day trip to Long-Gan Trail. What distinguishes this video from the other works that also introduce Long-Gan Trail is that it offers a comprehensive description of the economic system there (e.g. kinds of insects, animals, and so on). Besides, it also introduces the surrounding sites near Long-Gan Trail. The background music is well chosen. However, there are two parts that can be further improved. First, there are some grammatical errors in the subtitles. Second, speaking fluency of the speakers/narrators can be improved. Otherwise, this is a great work. | 第三名 獎金2,000 | 88.7分 |
銘傳大學 曾逸芯/葉惠文/陳霈珊/林玟廷/林婕婷 My Campus 片長: 04:38 | The story is really interesting intriguing and the clip really allow the viewers to have a sense of understanding to your campus life. and the actors are all pretty expressive. "what are you think about?" -- "consider you are so crazy" --> "consider you crazy" "where is it?" --> "where am I?" Pronuniation: "read" in past tense | 裁判獎 獎金1,000 |
主題B. 【Our Times 我的OO時代】
得獎學生 | 老師評語 | 獎項 | 評審評分 |
國立臺灣海洋大學 許喆/許嘉祐/劉前助/楊宗桓/王怡蘋 我的大一時代 片長: 05:44 | Great editing and use of music; the introduction side-by-side shots were interesting. Content was very interesting; it was a good presentation of the life of an NTOU student. Good grammar and pronunciation; there were very few errors.
| 第一名 獎金10,000 | 96.3分 |
輔仁大學 房伶珊/楊舒婷/林琬珊 How Not to Be Single 片長: 08:11 | Good job! Thanks for making this lovely story to the audience! Your speaking in the video is so excellent that the story you design is so persusaive and professional! A well-developed story with smooth transitions. Effective choice of songs to add to the dramatic effect. Good acting and speaking skills. However, the video (8:11 minutes) exceeds the maximum length of 6 minutes. More editing work is highly recommended to further streamline the plot.
| 第二名 獎金5,000 | 92.3分 |
國立臺灣海洋大學 李佩儒/徐梓容/曾佩筑/陳瑋涵/黃佳蓉 我的大學時代 片長: 04:28 | Good visual presentation--great combination of photos and videos with good transitions. Very informative content--clubs are an important part of university life. Good grammar and pronunciation, a few minor errors. / Well-organized, informative, and creative. An interesting frame narrative in the beginning and at the end.Try to speed up the voice-over a bit. | 第三名 獎金2,000 | 91.7分 |
國立臺灣海洋大學 林孳敏/鄭愉靜/蘇彥臻/林湘沄/王譽靜 Our Girl's Dormitory Times 片長: 06:41 | Good work! You did a very interesting video about the typical life in the girls' dormitory! The topic itself is quite enticing and you divide the video into 4 parts, the way which seems reasonable. However, the section signals seem to overlapping in the last half of the video: "In a word." Please try to be careful in organizinig the video sturcture! The ending seems less persuasive comparing to the scope you set up in the very beginning. As to the language parts, you did a good dialogue here, but you may explore more words and expressions when describing your domritory life in the video. Finally, thanks a lot for making this good video. | 第三名 獎金2,000 | 90.7分 |